Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合


x arquitectos聚集了巴伦西亚建筑师团队,基于技术知识创建特殊项目,由于经验,以个人的方式巩固和定义。对我们来说,每个项目都是特别和独特的。没有一个是相同的,因为每一个都有一定的条件和前提。在我们的工作过程中,客户是项目的一部分是至关重要的。

x arquitectos reúne un equipo de arquitecto Valencia para crear proyectos especiales basados en un conocimiento técnico que gracias a la experiencia se consolida y define de una forma personal. Para nosotros cada proyecto es especial y único. Ninguno es igual a otro porque cada uno contará con unos condicionantes y unas premisas. Que el cliente forme parte del proyecto es esencial en nuestro proceso de trabajo.

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合


This house in Benimaclet has been completely renovated to create a completely renovated house and thus be able to house a family.

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合


A traditional house in Valencia, specifically in the Benimaclet neighborhood, which in its previous state consisted of two houses, one on the ground floor and the other on the first floor, and an outdoor patio neglected and unused by small added constructions.The project tries to generate a single house, connecting both heights by opening a hole and building a new staircase that forms part of the space with a great height. In addition, this staircase is proposed due to its organic shape as well as the savings in floor space that the spiral staircase represents.

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合


In the case of a property in an area of interest in the city, this house in Benimaclet respects all its façade and roof elements, as well as its wooden floors, which are reinforced.

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合


In addition, an extension is carried out that is totally respectful of the environment and the house, unifying the main roof and creating a large hole in the façade facing the courtyard of the house.

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合


The original façade of the house facing the patio has been converted into the partition between the kitchen and the living room, keeping its morphology intact, as well as its holes, and rescuing the solid brick that composes it. The house in Benimaclet tries to be fully functional and updated for a young family, but respecting its traditional essence. For this reason, natural materials such as oak or marble are used, as well as neutral colors.On the façade, a beige and white composition is used and a dark travertine plinth is added.

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合


This house has a large kitchen-dining room, a living room, a bedroom and a bathroom on the ground floor, and three bedrooms and two bathrooms on the first floor, and in addition, a huge patio with 54 sqm in the outside on the ground floor.

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

图片版权 Copyright :Xarquitectos


Ze Workroom 避世而居

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