Ze Workroom 避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

ZE | Workroom创始团队

ZE | WORKROOM是一家位于莫斯科的建筑和室内设计工作室。定的主要任务是根据客户的真实意愿实施的项目,并将其翻译成建筑语言。在项目中,ZE | WORKROOM从建筑师奠定的基础开始,正在实施的项目在很多年内都保持着相关性和舒适性。


侘寂 质朴


Ze Workroom  避世而居

ZE | WORKROOM新作,位于莫斯科郊区的一处乡间别墅,业主买下这块地,试图打造一片属于自己的避世之所,设计团队通过对环境的分析,旨在构建与自然无缝对话,让身心得以放松的家。

ZE | WORKROOMs new work is a rural villa located on the outskirts of Moscow. The owner has purchased this land in an attempt to create their own escape from the world. The design team, through environmental analysis, aims to build a seamless dialogue with nature and provide a relaxing home for the body and mind.

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居


In the overall concept, the designer decided to use warm chocolate tones, featuring natural stone patterns. Create a harmonious and rich interior.

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居


The concise entrance design highlights practicality, and the changes in wall materials enrich the visual experience, giving a warm and tactile feel to the cold and harsh space.

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居


The elderly room, also located on the first floor, provides parents with a private space to converse with the landscape. The warm materials and simple furniture provide a sense of tranquility for both body and mind.

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居


Home office is the favorite of customers, with unbeatable sunshine and spacious scale. In addition to life, stop here for a while, read a book, have a cup of coffee, and the years will be quiet.

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居


The staircase uses architectural design language, which is minimalist and exquisite. Show the beauty of design through details.

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居


The master bedroom features warm and elegant wood elements, complemented by delicate texture materials and color stitching, providing residents with a relaxed and comfortable home experience. The lush greenery creates a comfortable living environment where humans and nature coexist harmoniously.

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居


The bathroom adopts a light color scheme, emphasizing the style and selection of sanitary ware and objects, with a strong sense of fashion. At the same time, the ingenious glass partition design integrates with the architectural appearance, creating an oasis in the city that meets the interactive needs of customers and nature.

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居

Ze Workroom  避世而居



2023-11-2 18:15:38


Xarquitectos 丨功能与传统的完美结合

2023-11-2 18:27:02