Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱


Aalto’s design for the Villa Mairea is characterized by his signature use of organic forms, natural materials, and innovative engineering solutions. The building is considered one of Aalto’s masterpieces and is widely recognized as one of Finland’s finest examples of modernist architecture. Today, the Villa Mairea continues to inspire architects and designers and is a testament to Aalto’s legacy as one of the most influential architects of the 20th century.

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

Villa Mairea玛利娅别墅外观 ©Lindman Photography


部分外墙采用滑动系统,以便呈现将房子可以完全开放给花园的状态,摄影:Gustaf Welin ©AlvarAalto M

阿尔瓦·阿尔托多年来为他的亲朋好友设计了众多私人住宅。每一座住宅都深刻地传达了居住者或家庭与他们的住所之间的亲密关系。其中,为朋友打造的住宅中,最显著的要数1938-1939年为Harry和Maire Gullichsen夫妇设计的玛伊莉亚别墅。这座别墅位于Noormarkku铁厂区,由A. Ahlström公司的董事Harry Gullichsen和他的妻子Maire Gullichsen拥有。他们告诉阿尔托,他应该将这座房子视为“一个实验性的住宅”。阿尔托将这座房子视为一个机会,可以将他之前一直在进行研究但尚未在实际建筑中应用的所有主题汇集在一起。

Over the course of the decades, Aalto designed several private houses for his personal friends. Each of the houses strongly conveys the personal relationship between the residents or family and their home. The most significant of the homes designed for friends is Villa Mairea (1938-1939). It was built for Harry and Maire Gullichsen, the director of the company A. Ahlström and his wife, in the Noormarkku ironworks area.They told Aalto that he should regard it as ‘an experimental house.’ Aalto treated the house as an opportunity to bring together all the themes he had been working on until that point but had not included in actual buildings.

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱


The elevations are partly in wood, with teak and Finnish pine, and partly with thin stone slabs and rough-cast rendering. The main entrance has a colonnade of unstripped saplings supporting a free-form roof. Part of the external wall is movable on a sliding system so that “the house can be completely opened to the garden”.

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

总坪图 / Site Plan ©Alvar Aalto


The plan of the villa takes Mairea L-shaped fond but is slightly modified. It is a plan that automatically creates a semi-private area on the side and more public space on the other. The lawn and pool are located in the L’s hollow, with a range of rooms oriented in the same direction. The door overhang in the overall composition meets the site’s flat expanses, and the curves of the pool lines embrace the topography of the surrounding forest.

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

从庭院望向别墅 ©Lindman Photography

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱


All around are small details of curved lines made of wood and brass. Studs of wood dot poles, as if to look like a cabin made without the use of nails. The ceiling is made of long saplings running in a horizontal pattern that leads the eye through the open plan. Reeds are wrapped around embracing columns, giving an air of intimacy. The details seem almost overwhelming, with too many textures, materials and styles to notice in one visit, yet they all work together and instead gather a feeling of tranquility.

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

别墅门把手及柱子细节 ©

Lindman Photography

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

别墅入口 ©Lindman Photography


A few steps lead up from the entrance hall to the living room, whence a staircase bordered by irregularly composed wooden poles leads up to the upper floor. The ground floor is reserved for entertaining. The spaces naturally invite the visitor to stay, and despite their somewhat public character, have nevertheless an intimate feel.

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

入户门 ©Lindman Photography

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

玄关望向起居室区域 ©Lindman Photography

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

起居室望向楼梯区域 ©Lindman Photography

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

玄关区域及通往二楼楼梯区域 ©Lindman Photography


Although the revised plan followed the existing foundations, the transformation achieved compression and coherence in the spatial organization, which had been almost entirely lacking in the ‘Proto-Mairea.’ The entrance opens into a small top lobby, from which another door straight ahead leads into an open hall positioned four steps below the main level. One enters on the axis with the dining table beyond. Still, the axiality is undermined by the asymmetry of a screen of wooden poles and a free-standing, angled wall, which define an informal ante-room between the living room and dining room.

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

通往二楼的楼梯区域 ©Lindman Phot


Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

楼梯扶手细部 ©Lindman Photography

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

楼梯踏步细部 ©Lindman Photography

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

通往厨房和餐厅的走廊区域 ©Lindman Photography

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

餐厅好厨房区域 ©Lindman Photography

餐厅的窗户俯瞰内部庭院,而后墙上的门通向通往桑拿浴室的有盖通道。厨房位于餐厅旁边,佣人的房间位于厨房后面。楼上还设有楼梯,通向儿童游戏室和早餐室,以及客人翼。楼上还包括卧室和Maire Gullichsen的绘画工作室。这座别墅是一座传递了亲密家庭联系的杰作,它在不同层面上体现了居住者与他们的住所之间的深刻联系。

The dining room window looks out over the inner courtyard and the door in the rear wall opens onto the covered way leading to the sauna. The kitchens are beside the dining room with rooms for the domestics behind them. There are stairs up from the kitchen to the children´s playroom cum breakfast room and the guest wing. On the upper floor are also the bedrooms and Maire Gullichsen´s painting studio.

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

餐厅厨房走廊区域望向起居室 ©Lindman Photography

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱


Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

会客厅区域 ©Lindman Photography

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

会客厅望向玄关区域 ©Lindman Photography

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

起居室区域 ©Lindman Photography

低墙的角度是从位于白色粉刷壁炉对角的角点开始设置的,这个角点在进入起居室时自然地引起注意。类似的对角关系也存在于Harry Gullichsen的私人图书馆/书房和“冬季花园”之间(Maire用于插花,从那里有一段楼梯直接通往她的工作室),以及主楼梯和起居室中光线充足的区域之间,这些区域是您从竖直柱子的背后出现时眼睛被吸引的地方。

The low wall angle is set from the corner of the white-plastered fireplace diagonally opposite, which becomes the natural center of attention as one ascends the step into the living room. Similar diagonal relationships are established between Harry Gullichsen’s private libraryudy and the ‘winter garden’ (which Maire used for flower arranging and from which a stair leads directly up to her studio) and between the main staircase and open sun-lit part of the living room into which eyes are drawn as you emerge from behind the vertical poles which screen the stairs.

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

起居室墙角细节 ©Lindman Photograph

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

起居室柱子细部 ©Lindman Photography

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱


Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

起居室窗边书架局部 ©Lindman Photography

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

厅柜子细部 ©Lindman Photograp


Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

书房入口 ©Lindman Photography

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

房区域 ©Lindman Photography

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

书房局部 ©Lindman Photography

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

从庭院望向起居室 ©Lindman Photography

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

手绘总坪图 / Hand-Drawn Site Plan ©Alvar Aalto

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

建筑立面图 / Elevation Drawing @Studio Sander Patelski

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

平面图 / Floor Plan ©Alvar Aalto

筑 师 |


建筑类型 |

住宅 / 别墅


Harry and Maire Gullichsen

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项目摄影 |

Lindman Photography

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱

Alvar Aalto丨坠入森林的怀抱





Alvar Aalto (1898 -1976) was a Finnish architect, city planner, and furniture designer whose international reputation rests on a distinctive blend of modernist refinement, indigenous materials, and personal expression in form and detail. His work includes architecture, furniture, textiles, glassware, sculptures, and paintings. He never regarded himself as an artist, seeing painting and sculpture as “branches of the tree whose trunk is architecture.”



与他的第一任妻子Aino Aalto一起,他会设计建筑并特别关注内部表面、家具、灯具和玻璃制品。

From the 1920s to the 1970s, his career is reflected in his work styles, ranging from Nordic Classicism in the early work to a rational International Style of Modernism during the 1930s to a more organic modernist style 1940s onwards. A typical concern during his entire career is design as a Gesamtkunstwerk, a total work of art. Together with his first wife, Aino Aalto, he would design the building and give special treatment to the interior surfaces, furniture, lamps, and glassware.


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