168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计



The Designer

YUMEI GROUP予美组设计由一群青年设计师领衔,专注于建筑、商业、住宅设计等领域。“予”是一种分享和具有情怀的态度,以独特的设计工作方法,使日常具象的审美与概念抽离于事物的本体,纯粹性的解析、重构,直至自我内化之后的完美蜕变,进而建立一种独属东方的、当代的、极简的生活美学体系。

| 清晰素雅 |

168㎡自然纯粹私宅 | 广东·惠州

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计


Home is a relatively abstract concept. With the attention and treatment of architectural scale, environmental style, use nature and artistic aesthetics, the space has expression and temperature, so that the concept of home is more authentic, and the interaction between design and life gives a new definition of home.

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计


Go With The Flow


Interior design is not only about the appearance of a space, but also about conveying an experience. Centering on the theme of let nature take its course, the design logic of close to nature is derived, depicting the shape, color and interest, and guiding the return to the state of pure nature. Analyze life modality and interaction habits, and arrange perceptual freedom pattern on the basis of rational security.

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计


The real nature is without trace. Prefer clear and elegant expression, advocate unadorned aesthetics, and create a beautiful atmosphere through the interaction of twists and turns. Under the extremely simplified structure, supplemented by unified colors, enrich the light and shadow levels and changes in every corner of the interest, happy life is just the time.

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计


The use of fine gauze curtains to optimize lighting, undulating ripples echo with the grille finish, allowing the indoor and outdoor atmosphere to continue each other, creating an endless silence. The swaying tortoise-backed bamboo is placed round the bend, with the title nature, to relieve the stagnation caused by the structural and regular perception, or lie or sit, to capture the comfort of leisure time.

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计


Alternation and Extension


Open, is also another interpretation of the closed loop. Unadulterated background color and clear and comfortable light and shadow are the foreshadowing of the hidden artistic conception of space. Receive the expanded signal, retain the transparent vision, actuarial ratio of virtual and real, surround the study, record the change between the scene and the environment.

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计


Using wood elements to continue the natural atmosphere, the wood sense extends, forming a visual tension in the invisible, and each area is connected to each other. On the side near the aisle, a dark border depicts a transparent partition, dividing the foreground and rear view, and continuously creating a feeling of boundless and stretched with a transparent visual effect.

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计



Flowing Symphony


The living wood grain flows in the space, like a natural symphony. Art, so that it has the ability to interpret everything, from a macro perspective, or plain, or intense, taking into account the external expression and internal emotions. The open layout greatly increases the flexibility of space planning and promotes more comfortable and intimate interaction between families.

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计


Make full use of natural light to create a bright and pleasant atmosphere, where the true taste of food is slowly cooked, so that loved ones can fully feel the taste of home and love in home-cooked dishes. According to the experience of cooking and cleaning, focus on sorting out the operation process and provide convenient experience. Straight ridges that return disorder to order.

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计


Simple Meaning


Good design should be simple and natural. The color in the bedroom gives a simple and simple feeling, in such a low-key background color, let the tired body and mind relax, to achieve the effect of quiet. Then through the natural texture or local details, to carefully present the rich level and connotation of the space.

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计


The design of the bathroom pays attention to simplicity, seemingly casual, but very artistic. The different forms of daily necessities are classified and stored, hidden behind the wood, creating the texture and beauty of the small space. The feeling of natural healing walks in the space, allowing users to better integrate into the space and immerse in the moment.

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计

168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计


168㎡自然私宅,回归纯粹 予美组设计


项目名称 | 华润·万象天汇

项目地点 | 中国-广东-惠州市

项目面积 | 168㎡

设计时间 | 2021.12

设计公司 | 予美组设计

设计主创 | 张志军

参与设计 | 黄锦伟、彭景松、钟立成、陈欢、范思铭

合作材料 | 图森定制、墨瑟门窗、天格木地板

空间摄影 | 有山、SUNWAY山外

文案策划 | 修合文化

图片版权 Copyright :予美组设计


Better Architects 隐于自然

2023-10-30 22:05:33



2023-10-30 22:11:28