新作丨森境设计 水墨东方

新作丨森境设计  水墨东方插图

王俊宏 | 台湾森境设计创始人


灰韵 | 侘寂,是生活的原味

意境 气韵 纯粹

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The design of homes does not require excessive decoration and elaboration. What people truly need is the use of original colors and textures to express Wabi-Sabi, which in Japanese aesthetics, is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. As if the five senses pause temporarily, and all things return to their origins to achieve the purpose of recuperation. Living a life that is free, casual, and comfortable so there is ample room in the mind to face external disturbances.

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This is a private residence located in Jiangmen, Guangdong, with an area of 155 square meters. The Mori Jing design team hopes to bring customers a home full of Eastern style, elegant and comfortable. Gently draw low color strokes, rendering the elm wood that has been tempered over time with youthful scars, creating a texture that combines roughness and delicacy; The texture of the special coating trowel is like pouring out the inevitable ripples in life. The designer showcases tangible craftsmanship in the direction and exudes intangible aura in the atmosphere, creating a warm and serene mansion.

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Simple yet powerful, this imperfect beauty presents the essence of the original appearance of all things, taking inspiration from Japanese tea ceremony culture and blending with Buddhist Zen philosophy. The designer focuses on the tranquility from the inside out and immerses it in the residence, proposing reflection and returning to the original intention, reflecting the beauty and tranquility of tranquility, with a simple state of mind that embraces what is seen in front of them. The simple and elegant beauty weaves the connections between fields calmly, wrapped in grayscale mud patterns, and spreads out one life scene after another.

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In the soft decoration section, we specially select elm wood with strong wood texture and clear patterns, which is dyed to make it more vigorous and powerful. It is applied to TV cabinets and tea hall tables, as if the time in the pocket is written into the mansion together. At the same time, the combination of iron pieces with a strong sense of perseverance and titanium plated stainless steel gives the simple architecture of the home a distinct and unadorned personality.

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项目名称 | 灰韵
项目位置 | 广东新会
项目面积 | 155平米
空间格局 | 客厅、餐厅、茶堂、长辈房、主卧房
主要建材 | 榆木、花岗石、镀钛不鏽钢、肌理漆、水磨石磁砖
设计团队 | 森境设计⁄王俊宏
施工单位 | 中外建工程设计与顾问有限公司(深圳分公司)
摄影团队 | 彦铭工作室



2023-10-30 16:00:22


之江公寓老房改造 大不了地设计工作室

2023-10-30 16:28:36