Davidov Architects 场地的诗学

Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

Davidov Architects


Davidov Architects成立于2011年,由Robert Davidov创立,是一家总部位于墨尔本的建筑和室内设计事务所。该工作室以低调的建筑效果而闻名,使用有限的材料调色板和精致的细节。该工作室主要从事住宅项目,从改建、扩建和翻新到墨尔本和莫宁顿半岛的新房和多住宅开发。

LSP Residence


澳大利亚 维多利亚州弗林德斯

Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

LPS Residence 位于莫宁顿半岛的一处大型地块内。新家的设计是为了占据原来的房子的位置,因为之前的房屋已经不再适合居住了, 新建筑面积为450平米。

LPS Residence is located on a large property on the Mornington Peninsula. The new home was designed to occupy the site of the original house that the family had outgrown.The new building area is 450 square meters

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Davidov Architects  场地的诗学


The architecture is conceived as 3 individually articulated building forms: the sleeping, living and dining zones, which are clustered around a central entry courtyard.

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Each interconnected volume is further defined by a steep skillion roof and limited openings to all facades. Internally, the vaulted ceilings below the skilions amplify the scale of each space. Beyond controlling the homes thermal performance, carefully considered openings frame the views to the vineyards beyond as well as maintaining the dwellings sense of enclosure.

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Ochre-tinted cement render applied to the homes external and internal walls imbues the home with a rustic and earthy quality. In turn, the coarse render is offset by the solid timber accents of the exposed rafters, screen doors and joinery which provide the restrained materials palette with warmth and familiarity.

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Davidov Architects  场地的诗学


The detailing of the kitchen island, bathroom vanities and cellar tasting table have been distilled to their raw components and executed in polished concrete. This is intended to resonate with the agricultural building elements found on the surrounding vineyard properties whilst still offering a contemporary vision of rural living.

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The indoor space is simple and restrained, and the warm ochre colored cement wall is lifelike against the backdrop of light and shadow.

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Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

JDF Residence


维多利亚州 墨尔本

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JDF Residence被设计成一个就地养老的家。在规划阶段,特别注意确保各种空间能够容纳不同程度的流动性。这不仅导致了房子的单层设计,而且需要在室内和室外空间之间设置齐平门槛。

JDF Residence was designed as a home to age in place. During the planning stage particular attention was made to ensure that the various spaces would accommodate various levels of mobility. This not only led to a single level design for the house – but the need for flush thresholds between indoor and outdoor spaces.

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Davidov Architects  场地的诗学


The insertion of stone plinths, ledges and built-in outdoor furniture allows for elements of expression and encouraging the architecture to be directly engaged with. This theme was further explored in the execution of the bath in the master ensuite which included a large platform and steps that lead up from the shower to an enclosed courtyard.

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Davidov Architects  场地的诗学


Our clients love of nature and natural light was also embraced through the planning of the house around 4 distinct landscaped areas. The various outdoor courtyards and gardens were designed to take advantage of their aspect, orientation and relationship with connecting rooms. Internally the massive, protective and sheltering character of the architecture was maintained through the expression of the structure between spaces and a highly pared back elemental approach to joinery that sort to conceal, whilst maintaining a true functionality and practicality in hardwearing materials.

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Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

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Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

RSB Residence


维多利亚州 墨尔本

Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

Davidov Architects事务所通过借鉴棕榈泉的那个时代的建筑风格,对墨尔本现有的中世纪住宅进行了改造。Caulfield North是墨尔本一个以中世纪住宅而闻名的地区,是Davidov Architects事务所设计的这座最小化的四居室住宅的背景。

Davidov Architects have sympathetically renewed an existing mid-century Melbourne home by drawing on the architecture of that era in Palm Springs.Caulfield North, an area of Melbourne renowned for its mid-century homes, is the backdrop to this minimally-designed four-bedroom home by Davidov Architects.

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Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

closely with the clients, a professional couple with a strong interest in Palm Springs’mid-century architecture – a result of countless visits to the desert location. This formed a clear picture in the minds of the team on-site, allowing them to design a home that was sympathetic to both its time period and its occupants.

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Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

作为他们工作室的特色,Davidov Architects事务所尽可能地减少材料的选择。Robert说:我们一直在寻找方法,以尽量减少视觉上的混乱,并在我们的项目中保持凝聚力,在这样做的过程中,我们努力打造经久不衰的建筑。

As is typical of their work, Davidov Architects have kept their material selections as minimal as possible. “We are always looking for ways to minimise visual clutter and maintain cohesion in our projects,” Robert says.“In doing so, we strive for architecture that endures.”

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Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

Davidov Architects  场地的诗学


Grey granite becomes the hero material in RSB Residence, both internally and externally in the form of robust slab flooring. Internally, when paired with white walls in some places – oatmeal in others – the granite cultivates a clean, understated aesthetic. Externally, it has a very similar effect, paired with the clean lines of the light-grey concrete walls.

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Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

Davidov Architects  场地的诗学

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Davidov Architects  场地的诗学


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