SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design

杰玛·多明戈·索尔索纳(SOG设计)。自2003年以来,她是CoAC的注册建筑师和成员,毕业于巴塞罗那建筑学院(ETSAB),并于2001-2002年在柏林Technische Universität (TUB)完成了最后的学位论文。2012年,她成功完成了巴塞罗那Escola SERT的装修硕士学位。

GEMMA DOMINGO SOLSONA (SOG design). Registered architect and a member of CoAC since 2003 and graduated from the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB), having completed her final degree thesis at the Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) in 2001-2002. In 2012 she successfully completed her Masters Degree in Refurbishment at Escola SERT in Barcelona.

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

在巴塞罗那,一个位于“finca regia”的复式公寓,我们被委托对房子进行彻底的翻新,包括全面重组分布、结构修复、立面和花园的安排。

In Barcelona, a duplex in a finca regia, we were commissioned a complete renovation of the house that included, total reorganization of the distribution, structural rehabilitation, arrangement of the facade and gardens.

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦


Living like in a country house, but in the middle of the city, privacy and plenty of space to share with guests, were the main requirements.

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦


We keep everything under a sustainable approach, reducing impact and consumptions, reusing elements, as well as implementing sustainable methods of energy and water harvesting and even incorporating a garden with a high percentage of self-sustainability.

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦


The first strategy was to convert the basement floor to the open floor plan… the space for sharing, where indoor and outdoor flow and multi-functionality will accentuate the country house feeling, while on the second floor the spaces respond to the personal character as a private box overlooking the garden.

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦


A house with personality that reflects the passage of time, with a contemporary intervention that harmonizes and blend form and function into a balanced, a relaxed and unique unit.

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

SOG design丨隐匿私宅,精神的乌托邦

图片版权 Copyright :SOG design



2023-11-28 8:40:27


Nicolas Schuybroek 情境之境

2023-11-28 12:40:29