Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家



The house is located near the Black sea town of Sozopol and is situated on a plot with panoramic sea view.

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家






The project consists of partial reconstruction and complete visual transformation of the existing house. The old house was built around 15 years ago in a style imitating the authentic for Sozopol architectural elements and materials: multitude of inclined roofs with tiles, facade planking and tile cladding, bay-windows and arches.The wish of the contractor has been to achieve the exactly opposite effect: to have a contrasting, memorable, minimalistic and contemporary architecture. The biggest challenge of the project has been to reduce as much as feasible the cluster of geometries and to emphasize the constructive principle of the building by making some spatial and organizational improvements of the interior.

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家


The courtyard has various relax areas, each with its unique qualities, thus guaranteeing the diverse experience of the exterior.

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家



In terms of organisation, the three-story house, has one big common area, which includes a living room, a kitchen and a dining room. There are also four bedrooms, four bathrooms, two toilets as well as storage and service rooms.

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家



The guiding idea of this project has been to create a light, elegant and ethereal atmosphere, dominated by the sea view and the constantly changing colours of the surrounding nature. Both the interior and the exterior have been decided in nuances of the white with the only colourful touch being the works of art present in the house.

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家


The furnishing with its plastic, abstract and non-standard forms has been carefully selected to create the overall feeling of being into an art gallery.

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

立面图 /

Elevation ©Simple Architecture

剖面图 / Section Plan ©Simple Architecture

Floor Plan

Simple Architecture丨画廊之家

Simple Architecture由Alexander Yonchev于2017年创立。Alexander Yonchev是保加利亚建筑师,于2013年毕业于法国圣艾蒂安高等建筑学院,成绩优异。从2013年到2015年,他在意大利生活和工作,负责管理位于法国里维埃拉的各种私人住宅和商业项目。在此期间,他还在洛桑联邦理工学院和耶鲁大学完成了额外的课程。他于2015年回到保加利亚,并于2017年以Simple Architecture的名义创立了自己的事务所。自2017年以来,Simple Architecture一直致力于世界各地的各种公共和私人项目。

Simple Architecture has been founded by Alexander Yonchev in 2017.Alexander Yonchev is a Bulgarian architect who graduated with distinction from the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Saint-Étienne in France in 2013. From 2013 to 2015 he lived and worked in Italy, managing various private residential and commercial projects located on the French Riviera.During this period he completed additional courses at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and Yale University. He returned to Bulgaria in 2015 and in 2017 he established his own practice under the name of Simple Architecture. Since 2017 Simple Architecture has been working on various public and private projects around the world.


Kelly Behun Studio 家的艺术氛围

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